Accion Desarrollo Sostenibilidad is a non-profit, non-denominational and apolitical organization dedicated to the development of humanitarian aid and cooperation projects in the areas of water supply and medical care that pursue the Sustainable Development Goals. It has legal personality and headquarters both in Spain and in Ethiopia where it has the recognition that the Ethiopian Ministry of Justice gives to the International Organizations.

Accion Desarrollo Sostenibilidad

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is the largest public institution dedicated to research in Spain and the third largest in Europe. Its main objective is to foster, coordinate, develop and promote scientific and technological research, of a multidisciplinary nature, in order to contribute to advancing knowledge and economic, social and cultural development, as well as to train staff and advise public and private entities on this matter.
The Institute of Catalysis and Petroleum Chemistry that belongs to CSIC, is devoted to developing new technological solutions within the field of catalysis, which contribute to improving the quality of life of citizens and enhance the competitiveness of our chemical industry, within the concept of Green Chemistry.
This project is led by scientist of the Molecular Sieves Group of ICP-CSIC whose research is focused on the use of zeolite materials for very different applications, ranging from catalysts for a wide variety of chemical processes to water purification.

It was registered as a local NGO in Ethiopia in 2007, the year in which it started working in the Afar Region in basic services, essentially access to quality water, education and health. This experience will provide logistical support to the project by providing legitimate channels for access to local partners and Ethiopian government agencies in the water and health environment.
In matters related to the project in question, Amigos de Silva has carried out projects in recent years such as "Guaranteeing access to drinking water for the most disadvantaged population in the Afar region" (Ethiopia).
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy of Ethiopia

Our group of professionals and specialized media make possible our intervention on any of the stages of the INTEGRAL WATER CYCLE: catchment, treatment, desalination, distribution, sanitation, purification and reuse.
Our goal is to act effectively in water resource management in all its possible uses: urban areas, agriculture, industrial sectors, tourism and leisure.
TAGUA is a multidisciplinary team composed of specialized professionals with the ability and experience to provide customized solutions.
Decades of experience and a customer orientation strategy are keys to an effective water management. We encompass the planning, execution and further operation, maintenance and conservation of the hydraulic infrastructure. Permanent innovation and applied technologies are combined to achieve economic efficiency. https://tagua.es/en/about-us/
The introduction of this new technology in the national agenda of the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy of Ethiopia will provide another type of water defluoridation system in order to succeed in the National Fluorosis Mitigation Project and the Water Supply and Sanitation Directorate plans approved by the Ministry in the National Plan contained in the WASH-II.
Finally, other objective of the project is to introduce into the different government levels, other CSOs and other organization this new technology sharing the knowledge for the new innovative pilot water defluoridation system.